Follow the news section for database-related news and updates.
Paper on LCD and meta-analysis published
Our latest paper, Exploring meta-analysis for historical corpus linguistics based on linked data, has been published in the Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science.
Javier Pérez-Guerra and Dolores González-Álvarez’s visit
Professor Javier Pérez-Guerra and Dr. Dolores González-Álvarez (University of Vigo) visited the team in preparation for a collaborative project on testing and expanding the LCD.
Lesley Milroy’s visit
Professor Lesley Milroy (University of Michigan) visited the team to hear about our work, providing helpful feedback.
Srishti Lal’s internship
Srishti Lal, an exchange student from Heidelberg University, worked as an intern in our project, retrieving and normalizing data from the LCD for the purpose of extending our meta-analysis to Early Modern English. Thank you, Srishti!
Lieselotte Anderwald’s visit
Professor Lieselotte Anderwald visited the team in Helsinki to plan the future development of the database and her own research based on it. She also gave a guest lecture entitled “Empirical linguistics as an exercise in ‘mythbusting’? The case of AmE gotten”.
Teresa Fanego’s visit
Professor Teresa Fanego visited the team in Helsinki to hear about the latest developments concerning the database, providing valuable feedback. She also gave a guest lecture entitled “Constructional competition: The development of English motion patterns from Old English times to the present”.
Terttu Nevalainen, Turo Vartiainen and Tanja Säily (in collaboration with Aatu Liimatta and Jefrey Lijffijt) gave a presentation entitled “History of English as punctuated equilibria?” at the ICEHL 20 conference in Edinburgh.
Terttu Nevalainen gave a presentation (co-authored with Tanja Säily, Turo Vartiainen and Joonas Kesäniemi) entitled “Meta-analysis for historical corpus linguistics using the Language Change Database” at the ISLE 5 conference in London.
Jefrey Lijffijt’s visit
Project collaborator Jefrey Lijffijt visited the team in Helsinki to work on a meta-analysis of the rate of change in Middle English using the Language Change Database.
Publishing the LCD at ICAME 39
Our poster announcing the publication of the LCD search interface won an honourable mention at the ICAME 39 conference in Tampere, Finland.
2nd LCD project course successfully completed
The students of the advanced study module used the LCD this spring to conduct small-scale meta-analyses of change in the Late Middle English period. We would like to thank the attendees, who worked hard and learned a lot!
Paper on LCD and LADA published
Our latest paper, Open science for English historical corpus linguistics: Introducing the Language Change Database, has been published in the Proceedings of DHN 2018.
LCD at DHN 2018
Joonas Kesäniemi and Turo Vartiainen gave a presentation on the LCD at the DHN 2018 conference in Helsinki.
Annual report, 2016–2017
The second annual report of the Reassessing Language Change project has been published, with an overview of our activities over the past two years.